FREE 90mins personal brand masterclass to grow your audience and position yourself as an expert.
we’ll help you calmly craft insightful thought leadership stories and demonstrate your authority – all while protecting your time and staying organised.

So why saystory?


With this brand masterclass, I reflected and actually refocused.


I think the brand masterclass was a very good format and it was very helpful for me.


The brand masterclass is fantastic. Very insightful. I've not come across any other structured thought leadership programmes like it. Everyone learns from each other. Very inspiring, very collaborative, very supportive.

what you get
when you’re part of the cohort

bite-sized live lessons – designed to help you blossom as a visible leader – fast

✓ powerful TLB framework to give you confidence and calm control over your online visibility

storytelling content inspiration to ensure you never run out of topics to talk about

saystory overview – take your personal brand strategy and easily craft stories with saystory

what is a
thought leadership brand (TLB)?

The Thought Leadership Brand (TLB) takes your expertise and helps you to craft a trust-building experience around a highly specific topic that you are both passionate about and are a true expert in – helping you to: 

This a LIVE masterclass with Neil Sheth to set a predictable and fast strategy to…

  1. grow your audience by sharing insights
  2. become a likeable and trustworthy expert
  3. warmly move audiences towards sales conversations
create a strong presence online with consistent storytelling
neil neil neil
more about the 90mins personal brand storytelling masterclass
Over the next 90mins, founders and leaders will learn how to:
✓ define a content category where you can easily stand out
✓ identify thought leadership content ideas that’ll resonate with your audience
✓ create a thought leadership content system that keeps you organised and motivated
✓ move towards relationship-based thought leadership content and when to apply
✓ publish, learn and improve your growth-focused thought leadership content strategy
no more:
❌ wiping out your whole day
❌ forcing you to learn entire textbooks of dry theory
❌ trying to complete dull, boring exercises (when you really just want to play…)
❌ confusing yourself with endless jargon
❌ leaving you ‘tear-your-hair-out’ frustrated and ready to quit

dramatically improve your visibility online by confidently sharing thought leadership stories that position you as an expert 

Relax…this isn’t the kind of situation where you’re dropped into a maze of never-ending lessons, battling a monumental learning curve, with no concrete way to get better.

The 90mins growth-focused personal brand masterclass is easily digestible – with clear action steps.

This masterclass is made for people with no time.

this masterclass is a shortcut to becoming a visible leader online

When most founders and leaders realise that a key part of being seen as an industry expert and driving attention is by sharing their content, they start to share what’s on their mind, online.

Some of their content gets likes and comments.

Some of it gets only a few likes.

But, most of it struggles to get any visibility.

All that hard work for no one to see…

What’s worse is their audience don’t know what to expect, because:

  • 😕 they talk about random topics and themes each week
  • 😕the posts don’t quite hit home and share one idea really well
  • 😕 they don’t post enough
In this situation, it’s better to stay silent – audience clarity is always more effective than audience confusion.
I know what this feels like…I’ve been there. And I’m actually proud of leaders who take action, even if it’s not perfect
But, here’s the thing – like me – you don’t have any time. Time at work or at home.

The 90mins masterclass will help you in both of these areas.

You create growth-focused thought leadership content that helps to position you as an expert, helps to grow your audience, and generate interest and leads.

Growth gives founders and leaders freedom while building a platform for themselves.

Not just that, but creating and sharing content is therapeutic, helping you to structure a million thoughts into concise ideas.

I feel calmer just writing this for you.

A floundering thought leader often says things like:

“I don’t know what to post about.”

“My content isn’t engaging and comes across too technical.”

“I want to be seen as an industry expert but I don’t know where to start.”

The thing is, if you’re reading this, there’s a very very good chance that you’re an expert in your space.You do what you do on a daily basis, you face challenges and come across unique scenarios that you know your audience haven’t faced, like you have.

You’re well positioned to share your insights and help move your audience towards their goals – but you just need to take the right set of steps to give you the confidence to do that.

Now, you can use the TLB framework I developed over the past few years to position yourself as an authority in your niche and confidently share insightful thought leadership content that separates you from your competition.

The best thing about this challenge?

You don’t need to be chained to a content calendar 24/7 – instead, we focus on creating an easy-to-implement thought leadership system that drives maximum impact with minimal time.

Here’s how it works:

hamster wheel

you see someone’s post on LinkedIn


you have an idea for content


after 1hr of deliberating, you write


you get distracted with actual ‘work’

Triggered by an expert video you came across or another LinkedIn post or low pipeline, you remember the importance of organic reach and building a trustworthy presence and get back to it.

you finish the thought leadership piece and share it

The likes and comments come, but you’re left dissatisfied. It’s not even about the engagement – it just doesn’t feel right.

Creating content feels haphazard – a lack of purpose, structure and motivation. Time towards thought leadership content feels unjustified.

weeks and even a month goes without your next content share

the inconsistency leads to quitting and you don’t even know it

using the TLB framework

you know exactly WHAT to post

you know how to stay organised and track your thought leadership activities

you feel good about sharing insightful opinions and educational content

you motivate your team and organically increase your reach online

you’ve become a visible leader – helping you and your company to grow your reach, trustworthiness and growth

here's what you'll learn in the
90mins growth-focused personal brand masterclass

Instead of jumping from random video to random video, this live masterclass lays out exactly what to do – day-by-day and step-by-step.

You never have to wonder what you need to do, to get better.

Here’s everything we’ll cover in 90mins:

90mins FREE storytelling masterclass:

Day 1

walkthrough of the thought leadership brand (TLB) strategy

Day 2

how to define your niche audience

Day 3

how to find your aspirational content category

Day 4

stories you need to be sharing

Day 5


You’ll be crafting stories from day 1 – no need to wait to finish a 6-week training programme.

I’m Neil Sheth
and I help founders position themselves as an industry expert and grow their business

How? How? By confidently sharing their insights and expertise so they can grow their visibility, reach and business.


Over the past 10 years I’ve worked with over 250 businesses

I’m a former investment banking consultant turned digital content strategist who has been launching and growing businesses online since 2009. 

After quitting my day job, I began working with tiny to very large businesses in 2017, and in the six years of working with clients across all industries, we’ve focused on one thing – growth. 

I’ve spent years working out how to position, optimise, package and share content that drives attention, trustworthiness – and leads to business.

My thought leadership brand strategy is how we’ve been able to generate millions in sales over the past 5+ years.

It wasn’t always like this though.

When I first started ‘teaching’ in 2017 (and being largely self-taught myself) I had no structured idea what I was doing.

I’d listen to clients, who needed my help, and using my experience and gut feeling I’d give them advice on the next steps to take.

Some would take action and move closer to their goals – others would struggle.

So, I made it my mission to figure out exactly what WORKED when teaching founders and leaders how to confidently craft growth-shifting content and grow their audience.

I began covering multiple topics:

  • positioning
  • messaging
  • content category
  • content pillars
  • SEO content
  • storytelling website copy
  • LinkedIn profile optimisation
  • LinkedIn content
  • Youtube channel launch and growth
  • content-driven funnels
  • email marketing
  • low, medium and high intent content

And during those years of testing different methods, I gradually discovered that some things are essential for building an honest thought leadership brand presence – others are nice to have. 

Now, when a new student comes to me, I know that if I show them the TLB framework and how to use it, they can make real progress in a fraction of the time.

While I was developing the TLB framework, I also got really good at explaining things specifically for founders and leaders, new to building a strong presence online. 

hear what they have to say

With this brand masterclass, I reflected and actually refocused.

I think the brand masterclass was a very good format and it was very helpful for me.

The brand masterclass is fantastic. Very insightful. I've not come across any other structured thought leadership programmes like it. Everyone learns from each other. Very inspiring, very collaborative, very supportive.

crafting growth-focused thought leadership brand is a matter of refining:

The 90mins growth-focused personal brand masterclass is the culmination of years of trial and error.

I’ve put in everything you need to know when you’re starting to grow your personal brand online – and stripped out absolutely everything else

becoming a
visible thought leader
isn’t a volume play

This LinkedIn post only got 900 views but I got two leads from it – one turned into a sale.

The post’s success was due to its clear, compelling message and provided strong social proof, which effectively converted views into valuable business leads, demonstrating the power of quality over quantity.

Who’s this masterclass right for?

The 90mins personal brand growth masterclass is for three types of people:

#1 founders

I know you’re busy growing a business – trying to remain ‘on’ the business, not ‘in’ the business.

I also know that you know your business inside out – there’s literally no one better to tell your brand’s story, or share insights and industry challenges than you. Even the latest innovations.

This is why there’s no better potential storyteller for the business than you – and that’s why this masterclass will arm you with the right mindset and overall approach to succinctly take your thoughts and share them with the world – in a way that attracts and engages your audience.

By optimising your energy on the right steps, you’ll feel at ease, maybe even more confident.

your knowledge + great storytelling + thought leadership brand


visibility and growth

#2 leaders

You’re a leader who knows they need to be more active on social media but is wondering what to share online – or worried if it’ll resonate with their audience.

You’re excited about the idea of sharing your passion, demonstrating your expertise and building a platform for yourself.

If you’re nodding to any of the above, then this then this 90mins personal brand masterclass will help you unlock your experience and share it with others.

Who knows what opportunities are waiting for you.

#3 marketing managers

You can take our 90mins personal brand masterclass playbook and apply it to building a leader’s personal brand.

Leaders who connect with their audience bring a likeability, trustworthiness and connection – all important aspects of growth.

In fact, this masterclass can act as your justification or winning argument to get buy-in from those leaders, who are still reluctant to share their know-how with the world.

precise roadmap

The purpose of the 90mins personal brand storytelling masterclass is to establish a precise roadmap towards developing a compelling, growth-driven thought leadership tactic which you can successfully initiate to:

Following this masterclass, I firmly believe that your confidence will truly bloom and you will roll out your thought leadership content effortlessly. 

Eliminate admiring online thought leaders from afar while focusing on your own influence expansion.

Even if you choose not to continue authoring your personal thought leadership content, rest assured, you’ll be equipped with capable strategies and tools to execute your plan confidently.

Study the content, download accompanying PDFs, and perform the exercises.

join the masterclass

A personal session with a personal brand content strategist will typically cost you around $300-$500 per hour.

That’s for a SINGLE session.

And then, there’s absolutely NO guarantee that the individual’s teaching style aligns with your learning techniques. (Several thought leaders are exceptional in their domains but fall short when it comes to coaching).

If you paired up with a mentor for 4 hours and if we take $400 as the hourly rate, then your expense would skyrocket to a whopping $1,600…

Considering the lessons in this masterclass, along with all the supplementary resources and the community connections, it would be justifiable if I asked for even a tenth of that ($160+).

But that’s not my intention.

My goal is to simplify the process for founders and leaders in thought leadership to kickstart and make substantial strides in their journey.

That’s why the challenge isn’t priced at $160, $140 – even $50. 

But, differing from books, webinars, or courses, the learnings you accumulate within this masterclass will accompany you for life.

I’m confident it’ll prove to be the most fruitful investment in your journey towards becoming a visible leader online.

But don’t take just my word for it.

See firsthand the transformation it brings to your leadership growth.

saystory sees the thought leader in us all
join the
90mins personal brand storytelling masterclass

Here’s everything we’ll cover in 90mins:

90mins FREE storytelling masterclass:

Day 1

walkthrough of the thought leadership brand (TLB) strategy

Day 2

how to define your niche audience

Day 3

how to find your aspirational content category

Day 4

stories you need to be sharing

Day 5


You’ll be crafting stories from day 1 – no need to wait to finish a 6-week training programme.

frequently asked questions

We are invested in helping you to demonstrate your expertise and experience by establishing yourself as a thought leader.


Saystory helps you to easily turn your insights into thought leadership content. Our thought leadership brand 30-day challenge gives you the confidence and accountability to plan and implement a thought leadership strategy. You need both to become an insightful leader in your industry.

Unlike many online courses, our goal isn’t to bog you down with long videos or excessive amounts of content which can cause frustration. We’ve carved a unique learning path.


When you join, you’ll get a brief daily email over the course of 18 days – with a short yet valuable lesson and a quick exercise you can finish in less than 20 minutes.


Every day, your path is clear. Forget about complicated, time-consuming courses with intimidating learning curves.


Our challenge is succinct, easy to follow, highly rewarding, and set up for your ultimate efficiency.

You’ll have unlimited access to all the resources of the challenge for life, so you can continue to improve.


It’s highly recommended to go through the challenge multiple times as you’ll benefit from it differently with every go.

My goal for you is to spend 20 minutes a day putting the lesson into use for you.


Of course, if you want, you can extend those exercises out to 30 minutes – even an hour if you’re really enjoying them.


Just 20 minutes a day for the next 18 days and you will see yourself go from ‘unknown’ to ‘known expert’.


The 18-day growth-focused thought leadership content challenge will actually SAVE you hours, weeks – even months of going down rabbit holes that aren’t helpful.


We do not accept any refund requests. You can of course cancel your subscription at any time. This will stop access to both the saystory app and community.

let’s keep in touch

    © 2023 saystories. All rights reserved.