
they say it all

Lurlene B.

Director. Numuna Ventures

Before I discovered saystory, I felt like I was on my own in figuring out what content I wanted to share with the world. Once I started using it, everything shifted. I'd voice my thoughts, and instantly, it generated a title and insightful questions for me to voice, leading to a ready content. It was a revelation—thought leadership simplified. This app has transformed the way I create content, making it not just easier, but more impactful. It's truly a game-changer for anyone looking to share their thoughts with the world.

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Chris Adams

Founder, CJA Consulting

Drafting my first article felt daunting, especially targeting law and professional services firms. With saystory, I input my chosen title, answered guided questions, and created an incredible article in under 10 minutes. The response? Overwhelmingly positive. After sharing on my blog and LinkedIn, I received eight reposts and nearly 2000 interactions. It was a confidence boost, proving the tool's worth by getting my thoughts seamlessly from my head to published content. In a sentence: saystory transformed my ideas into a compelling narrative, effortlessly published in less than an hour, marking a successful start to my blogging journey.

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Kuruvilla Varghese Chalishery

Founder, FarmUnboxed

I've been keen on delving into thought leadership but struggled to find a structured approach to really get into it. Then I came across this app, and the first thing that struck me was how easy and intuitive it was to use, right from the start. It was impressive how well-designed the UI/UX was, making navigation straightforward without needing any demo. The initial user experience was just smooth, which is something I didn't expect to find right off the bat. It's made exploring thought leadership more accessible for me.

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Philippe Mathijs

Co-founder, Reach Outstanding

Over the past month, saystory has been a game-changer for me. As a coach, crafting and sharing our own stories can be quite a challenge, but saystory, both the app and its team, have revolutionised this process. It's now incredibly easy for me to build and share my story with the world. The platform has empowered me to convey my message with a newfound strength and clarity that I hadn't realised was possible before. It's been a transformative experience, enhancing how I connect with others professionally.

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Kuruvilla Varghese Chalishery

Founder, FarmUnboxed

The brand masterclass is fantastic. Very insightful. I've not come across any other structured thought leadership programmes like it. Everyone learns from each other. Very inspiring, very collaborative, very supportive

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